Our Expertise​

We assist our clients with the selection of key executive leaders and the development of diverse management teams to drive world-class performance and create thriving and inclusive corporate cultures. We take great pride in our consistent track record of results, and the enduring, collaborative relationships we have built with our clients that range from private companies to global conglomerates.


We identify and develop dynamic executives with the capacity to lead multi-faceted teams to outstanding business success. 


Pre-hire executive assessments

To ensure the highest caliber talent for mission-critical roles.


Executive onboarding to new role

Targeted and supportive onboarding and follow-up support over time optimizes executive performance and retention.


Executive coaching

Accelerate and optimize effectiveness for key leaders.


Executive development

Accelerate development for key leaders.


360º Feedback

Confidential feedback collected with online questionnaires powered by PanoMetrics or through in-depth interviews.


Leadership workshops

Custom workshops and seminars built around an organization’s unique culture, requirements, and training needs.


We meld high performing executives with effective and diverse leadership teams and position them to achieve their highest potential by identifying and removing individual, cultural, and organizational barriers.

Team Assessment and Diagnostic Services

We provide accurate and objective assessments of team effectiveness; we can train or coach your executives to develop strategies that ensure your success.


Team Development/Team Building Experiences

We conduct multi-day team-based exercises to foster alignment, and equity and inclusion in senior leadership teams. Leveraging our ability to get at the motivations behind a person’s behavior, we target deep personal and interpersonal dynamics to share insights to foster alignment, equity and inclusion among team members.


We help define the critical competencies for your ideal culture and help your leaders, teams and employees to embrace the change necessary to get there.

Organization cultural assessment and consultation. Multifaceted assessment and analysis process to generate an overview of your organization’s cultural archetypes and start a dialogue and change process to align with strategic objectives and support organizational growth.

Competency-development consultation

Analyze the key competencies of your organization and identify any critical gaps to position for major change initiatives. Develop customized competency models and success profiles for key roles and career levels.

Change management consultation

Prepare and assist leaders and organizations considering major change initiatives.

Merger and acquisition consultation

Assess executive teams to support M&A integration. Assist in the evaluation and discovery of culture gaps between two organizations.